The ConjuPIT Principles: Building a Conjugate Strength Program for the Practical Powerlifter
Pete Arroyo
METHODS are many, PRINCIPLES are few.
THE CONJUPIT PRINCIPLES is a deep dive into the key principles of conjugate programming for the powerlifter and shows you how to design programs for domination on the platform.
Author Pete Arroyo, has used these principles in his training for several 2000+ pound and ELITE totals in the equipped category later achieving PRO status.
More importantly, these principles have formed the backbone for many State & National champions and record holders in the RAW category.
THE CONJUPIT PRINICPLES details the how conjugate methods
fit in practice with the stories behind them & lessons learned along the way.
A comprehensive guide to Conjugate Training Programming for the Practical Powerlifter
5.21 MB
62 pages
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